Moving Average Of Tweeter

Dua arah, loudspeaker monitor bass-reflex dengan midwoofer midwoofer kertas ringan 22 cm dengan magnet X-treme, serat gelas koil bekas dan kehilangan rendah mengelilingi tweeter 29mm dengan kubah berilium, koil suara titanium bekas dan ruang belakang aluminium non-resonansi. Sensitivitas 91 dB 2,83 volt Impedansi 8 ohm nominal (minimum 7,2 ohm 200 Hz) Respons frekuensi 48 - 40.000 Hz (-3dB) 40 - 50.000Hz (-10dB) Frekuensi crossover 2400Hz Rating daya sekitar 90 watt Dimensi RMS (W X H x D) 325 x 580 x 230 mm Berat (produk jadi) 22,1 kg masing-masing Kit loudspeaker berisi semua komponen yang Anda butuhkan, bahkan barang kecil seperti sekrup hitam untuk memasang pengemudi, gasket sealing tape, dll. Hanya hal yang perlu dibeli secara terpisah adalah kayu untuk lemari. Crossover yang terprogram sulit dipasang, dicocokkan dan diuji. Harga untuk perangkat loudspeaker DIY ini adalah EUR. 1.345, - setiap EUR. 2.690, - per pasangan yang cocok dengan crossover standar atau EUR. 1.695, - setiap EUR. 3.390, - per pasangan yang cocok dengan crossover Duelund CAST Cu-Ag Hybrid. Speaker loudspeaker Plutone dapat dilihat sebagai titik balik dalam tradisi Hifi Homemade Humble. Sejumlah penelitian dan pengembangan yang ekstrem telah beralih ke loudspeaker ini sehingga menghasilkan produk yang benar-benar dapat disebut kurang-adalah-lebih. Kombinasi tweeter, woofer, material kabinet, bentuk dan ukuran membentuk kesatuan yang koheren sehingga kita dapat merancang crossover yang sesuai yang hanya terdiri dari tiga komponen dan sama sekali tidak menggunakan resistor, bahkan untuk menjinakkan tingkat tweeter Hasilnya adalah Kemurnian yang menakjubkan dikombinasikan dengan keseimbangan tonal yang sangat alami dan ekspresi dinamis yang sangat baik. Tambahkan ke dalam campuran panggung suara yang besar dan mungkin Anda memiliki monitor dua arah terbaik di sana adalah Periode. Bahkan beberapa driver terbaik yang tersedia terkadang memerlukan penyaringan yang kompleks untuk mendapatkan kurva frekuensi rata, fase akustik yang benar relatif terhadap satu sama lain, dsb. Gagasan di balik loudspeaker Plutone adalah menemukan midwoofer dan tweeter yang, jika dikombinasikan bersamaan, Diperlukan sebagai koreksi dan penyaringan sesedikit mungkin, menghasilkan reproduksi semurni mungkin dari loudspeaker dua arah. Oleh karena itu, gagasan ini mengesampingkan pengemudi dengan puncak tajam dan penyimpangan lainnya dalam kurva frekuensinya. Sebuah midwoofer delapan inci adalah titik awal untuk mendapatkan efisiensi yang cukup tinggi agar sesuai dengan tweeter. Dan juga memiliki bass yang cukup pada saat bersamaan. Saat ini, midwoofers 22 cm Jantzen Audio JA-8008 HMQ, dirancang dan dikembangkan oleh Troels Gravesen dari Denmark dan dibangun dengan membeli SEAS Norwegia, adalah salah satu yang sesuai dengan tagihannya. Ini memiliki magnet yang sangat besar (SEAS menyebutnya X-treme Magnet), kerucut kertas ringan dan kumparan suara serat kaca Qms yang lebih tinggi. Driver ini dirancang untuk efisiensi yang lebih tinggi dari rata-rata, ketahanan mekanis rendah dan respon cepat. Karena parametres loudspeaker seperti efisiensi, respon bass, massa bergerak dan area kerucut semuanya saling terkait, jangan berharap bass yang menggelegar dari woofer kecil ini. Mereka harus digunakan untuk tujuan mereka: efisiensi yang lebih tinggi daripada rata-rata dikombinasikan dengan respons yang seimbang dan seimbang. Jika Anda menginginkan bass yang sangat dalam, maka gunakan subwoofer tujuan - duh. Respons frekuensi HMQ JA-8008 rata sampai 4kHz dan kemudian berguling ke arah frekuensi tinggi dengan sangat lancar. Lihat halaman ini lebih lanjut untuk pengukuran woofer mentah di kabinet Plutone. Kurva halus ini, yang membentang ke wilayah tweeter, memungkinkan filter low-pass sederhana. Tweeter yang cocok untuk midwoofer Jantzen Audio JA-8008 HMQ harus memiliki respons frekuensi yang bersamaan berjalan ke wilayah midwoofer tanpa ada gundukan dan benjolan. Bersama-sama mereka kemudian memiliki area yang luas dimana kedua suporter tumpang tindih. Ada banyak tweeter yang bisa melakukan itu tapi saya juga mencari satu dengan kurva frekuensi khusus sehingga saya bisa menggunakan trik crossover untuk lolos dengan menggunakan resistor apapun. Lihat lebih jauh ke bawah halaman ini untuk pengukuran tweeter mentah di kabinet Plutone dan penjelasan tentang bagaimana trik itu bekerja. Selanjutnya saya suka menggabungkan tweeter keras dengan midwoofers lembut, kehangatan alami dan ekspresi woofer kerucut kertas yang bagus sangat cocok dengan presisi dan ketepatan tweeter kubah logam yang bagus. Tweeter yang digunakan untuk Plutone adalah Scanspeak D29087140. Anda dapat mendownload datasheet tweeter dari bagian abu-abu di bagian atas halaman ini. Model tweeter Revelator top ini adalah tweeter kubah berkinin 8 ohm berkinerja 30 mm dengan pelat muka alu halus dan kisi pengaman wire mesh yang sangat akustik. Piring wajah setebal 6 milimeter dan membentuk konstruksi yang sangat kokoh. Rakitan kubah berilium dipasang pada koil suara titanium sebelumnya dan di belakangnya terdapat ruang belakang aluminium non-resonan Scan-Speaks khusus yang secara efektif meredam gelombang belakang tweeter. Kurva frekuensi yang tidak difilter pada dasarnya berbentuk benjolan yang berpusat di sekitar 4,5 kHz. Pada 20 kHz tingkat output sekitar 90 dBs yang merupakan tweeter kehidupan nyata yang dapat digunakan SPL. Tweeter lain yang saya anggap SEAS T29B001 E0058-06, juga dengan kubah berilium besar dan respon frekuensi berbentuk benjolan. Mungkin saya akan menggunakannya lain kali :-) Salah satu komponen yang memiliki dampak besar pada keseluruhan suara loudspeaker ini adalah kabinet. Plutone mungkin terlihat sederhana namun bentuk, ukuran dan bahannya telah dipilih secara spesifik. Banyak bereksperimen, dengan banyak kabinet prototipe sudah selesai sebelum versi final sudah siap. Misalnya lebar kabinet sedemikian rupa sehingga masalah difraksi yang terjadi di sepanjang sisi penyengat, digeser ke frekuensi di mana mereka kurang bermasalah. Semua lemari loudspeaker memiliki difraksi di tepinya. Hal ini menyebabkan penurunan pada kurva frekuensi karena gelombang langsung dan gelombang terdifraksi berinteraksi dan menyebabkan pembatalan. Lemari sempit modern pada khususnya dapat memiliki kemiringan pada kurva frekuensi hingga 6 dB yang terjadi persis pada midrange atas yang sangat kritis pada oktaf sekitar 2,5 sampai 5 kHz - persis di mana tweeter mulai bekerja Frekuensi di kisaran ini. Mempengaruhi kejelasan ucapan. Jika ada sesuatu yang tidak tepat dalam rentang ini, suaranya bisa menjadi tidak menyenangkan dan suara manusia khususnya bisa menjadi keras dan licin. Dengan membuat penyimpangan lebih luas, masalah ini tidak terjadi dalam rentang ini namun bergeser ke bawah dalam frekuensi dan intensitas ke tingkat di mana pendengaran manusia jauh kurang sensitif. Contoh lain seberapa pintar kabinet ini, adalah ketebalan panel. Banyak ketebalan panel yang berbeda dicoba, panel tipis cenderung terdengar lebih hangat tapi juga lebih boomy. Rekaman pencipta lagu penyanyi tunggal terdengar bagus dengan panel yang lebih tipis, mereka justru membuat vokalisnya terdengar lebih besar. Tapi ketika materi program menjadi lebih keras dan lebih kompleks suaranya menjadi terlalu berlumpur dan mulai booming. Pergi ke ujung lain dari skala: panel yang sangat tebal terdengar cepat dan didefinisikan dengan baik dengan musik keras atau orkestra skala penuh tapi ansambel yang lebih kecil terdengar terlalu ramping, terkadang bahkan sedikit tak bernyawa. Pada akhirnya kami memilih ketebalan panel optimal sehubungan dengan ukuran lemari loudspeaker. Dalam hal ini 27 milimeter terdengar terbaik. Lemari pengeras suara ini terbuat dari kayu lapis balch birch lapis kayu lapis 27mm 19 lapis. Ada sejumlah ganjil yang ganjil sehingga lembarannya seimbang, ini mengurangi warping. Karena kayu lapis ini terikat dengan biji-bijian yang saling berhadapan dan dengan jumlah ganjil bagian komposit, ini sangat kaku. Kualitas kayu yang digunakan untuk Plutone disebut BB-grade. Ini berarti bahwa veneer bersendi dan busi kecil diizinkan tapi jauh lebih rendah daripada kelas C atau CP yang lebih murah. Jika halaman kayu lokal Anda tidak menancapkan kayu lapis kelas 27mm BB Anda bisa menempelkan 9mm 18mm bersama untuk hasil yang sama. Anda dapat mendownload salinan gambar kabinet dari bagian abu-abu di bagian atas halaman ini. Konstruksinya sangat mudah, kabinetnya dibuat dari enam panel saja - tidak semua bentuk penguat lainnya diperlukan karena ketebalan panel yang dipilih secara kritis terkait dengan luas permukaan. Saya memilih untuk veneer lemari dan saya menggunakan warna ringan Mappa Burl veneer (a. k.a. Poplar Burl), buku-cocok dan cermin. Lapisan ini diaplikasikan dengan lem kayu PVA putih biasa yang disebarkan dengan sisir bergigi halus di atas permukaan keseluruhan kabinet. Veneer kemudian ditekan ke lem basah dan dibiarkan selama beberapa jam sampai kering sebelum panel berikutnya selesai. Aku hanya tidak punya cukup cukup Mappa Burl veneer untuk melakukan kedua lemari jadi di belakang (dari pandangan) saya menggunakan beberapa veneer pantai standar. Begitu kedua lemari itu dilapisi, semua cut-outs dibuat dan semuanya lancar diampelas, sekarang saatnya finishing di permukaan. Saya menggunakan dua lapis matt, vernis bersih berbasis air yang dijual di Belanda sebagai Glitsa Parketlak PT. Ini adalah pakaian yang keras, pernis berbasis poliuretan yang biasanya digunakan pada lantai kayu keras. Bahan redaman diaplikasikan ke bagian dalam semua panel kecuali bagian dalam bilah depan. Muncul dalam tiga bagian, dua strip panjang dilipat untuk menutupi sisi, panel atas dan bawah. Ada beberapa tumpang tindih sehingga panel atas dan bawah dilapisi lapisan ketebalan ganda, panel sampingnya memiliki lapisan redaman tunggal. Bagian ketiga kemudian diaplikasikan pada bagian dalam panel belakang yang kemudian ditutupi oleh crossover. Sebuah cut-out harus dilakukan di redaman sehingga port bass-reflex dijaga tetap bersih. Bahan redaman yang digunakan adalah jenis serat poliester khusus yang bervariasi dalam densitasnya. Satu sisi adalah kerapatan yang lebih tinggi daripada yang lain, sisi kerapatan yang lebih tinggi ditempatkan di dinding kabinet. Tidak perlu lem, lembaran serat polyster hanya ditahan karena dipotong sedikit lebih besar. Gasket sealing tape diaplikasikan pada potongan pengemudi yang tersembunyi dan di bagian dalam suar port. Plat pengikat dipasok dengan segel kedap udara. Kit loudspeaker DIY standar dijual dengan semua komponen kecuali untuk lemari (kabinet dijual terpisah - lihat daftar harga kami untuk rinciannya). Bahkan sekrup hitam untuk memasang pelat terminal dan pengemudi adalah bagian dari kit. Posko pengikat berkualitas sangat tinggi, jenis WBT 0703-Cu berlapis emas rendah dengan ferrule pemintalan bebas pada tombol pengetatan yang memungkinkan sambungan aman tanpa ada kecenderungan untuk bekerja longgar atau merusak kawat. Kabel internal adalah kawat tembaga solid 6N dari Jantzen Audio, 2x 1,00mm2 untuk woofer dan crossover, 2x 0,50mm2 untuk tweeter. Saat menyolder kabel ke terminal midwoofer, berhati-hatilah untuk tidak mendapatkan solder di celah di sekitar koil suara. Midwoofer Jantzen Audio JA-8008 HMQ memiliki chassis modern yang sama karena semua woofer SEAS 22 cm dan kumparan suara sangat berventilasi baik. Ini berarti ada banyak bukaan di bagian belakang chassis dan bagian atas magnet. Tempat dimana kotoran dan gremlin lainnya bisa macet. Saya menggunakan tongkat pencampur cat kayu yang pas di antara chassis loudspeaker dan magnetnya, ini membuat solder tidak jatuh ke celah. Port bass-reflex adalah JetSet-70 dari Intertechnik. Port ini memiliki flare dalam dan luar yang sangat besar yang meminimalkan daya masuk dan suara aliran udara. Tabung bagian dalam dipotong dengan panjang yang benar dan kemudian suar dalam, tabung dan suar luar disatukan untuk membentuk satu port. Anda bisa merekatkannya atau menggunakan bebek tape atau sejenisnya. Midwoofer, tweeter dan port disegel dengan kencang dengan pita penyegel paking yang dipasok. Pelat terminal dilengkapi dengan segel kedap udara mereka sendiri. Pengeras suara Plutone dirancang untuk fase akustik optimal saat woofer diletakkan di ketinggian telinga. Karena pusat akustik woofer sedikit lebih jauh ke belakang daripada tweeter, saat Anda meletakkan woofer di ketinggian telinga, perbedaan dalam pengaturan akan diperbaiki. Crossover adalah jantung dan jiwa dari setiap loudspeaker dan sangat penting untuk hasil akhirnya. Crossover menggunakan komponen kelas yang sangat tinggi dari Jantzen Audio dan Intertechnik. Crossover hadir dengan kapasitor Intertechnik Audyn True Copper Max yang hebat untuk tweeter. A Duelund Coherent Audio CAST copper silver hybrid capacitor juga tersedia sebagai alternatif jika Anda mencari yang terbaik. Crossover adalah bagian dari kit dan dijual siap pakai, cocok dan teruji. Komponen semuanya terprogram dari komponen ke komponen tanpa menggunakan jembatan kawat ekstra dan dipasang pada papan sirkuit epoxy anti statik FR4. Komponennya dipegang dengan kadar profesional Hellermann Tyton, bebas halogen, kabel pengenal UL94 V2. Crossover dilengkapi dengan spacer PCB dan sekrup yang serasi. Crossover harus disekrupkan ke bagian dalam dinding belakang yang sebagian menutupi bahan redaman. Perhatikan bahwa midwoofer terhubung dalam fase terbalik relatif terhadap tweeter. Karena pengemudi dan kabinet bekerja sama dengan baik, kami berhasil mempertahankan crossover dengan sangat minimalis: urutan kedua yang dimodifikasi dengan high pass pada tweeter dan satu induktor pada woofer. Karena kesederhanaan crossover dan resolusi tinggi pengemudi bahkan perubahan terkecil dalam nilai komponen atau tipe dapat dengan mudah didengar. Dengan induktor misalnya, bahkan perbedaan 0,05mH bisa dengan mudah didengar. Oleh karena itu, kedua induktor adalah nilai non-standar dan dilekatkan persis pada nilai yang ditentukan. Kapasitor tweeter memiliki beberapa kapasitor kecil yang dihubungkan secara paralel untuk mendapatkan nilai pasti yang dibutuhkan karena total nilai gabungan tidak tersedia sebagai satu kapasitor tunggal. Karena crossover sangat sederhana, kami bisa menggunakan beberapa komponen terbaik yang ada. Sebuah contoh yang sangat bagus ketika segala sesuatu jatuh ke tempatnya dan kurang menjadi lebih. Induktor L1 Jantzen Audio Wax Coil 12AWG L2 Jantzen Audio Wax Coil Kapasitor 14AWG C1a Intertechnik Audyn True Copper Max 630VDC atau Duelund Coherent Audio Copper Silver Hybrid 100VDC C1b Foil bypass cap 3000VDC C1c Foil bypass cap 3000VDC C1d Foil bypass cap 3000VDC C1e Foil bypass cap 3000VDC C1f Foil bypass cap 3000VDC Plutone crossover dengan Duelund Coherent Audio Copper Silver Hybrid kapasitor. Di bawah ini Anda dapat melihat pengukuran frekuensi dari driver mentah yang tidak difilter di kabinet Plutone. Tanpa crossover keduanya menunjukkan kurva halus dengan tumpang tindih yang besar dari sekitar 600Hz sampai 6000Hz - tiga setengah oktaf Tumpang tindih besar ini diperlukan saat menggunakan lereng bertahap seperti yang dimiliki Plutone. Caranya dengan induktor low-pass tunggal bekerja karena karena nilainya mulai menendang pada midrange rendah namun tidak memberikan redaman penuh karena kenyataan bahwa impedansi naik dari woofer akan menangkalnya sampai tingkat tertentu. Trik untuk orde kedua jaringan high pass tweeter adalah bahwa nilai dari dua komponen berbeda dari pada text-book formulea. Kapasitor seri lebih kecil dari biasanya dan induktor paralel lebih besar dari biasanya. Ini berarti bahwa kapasitor mulai bekerja pada frekuensi sangat tinggi tetapi doesnt induktor mulai sampai sekitar 2kHz. Hasilnya adalah bahwa punuk alami dari 2-10 kHz diratakan dan kemudian di bawah 2kHz dimana tweeter membutuhkan beberapa perlindungan, ia memiliki jaringan pesanan kedua penuh. Nilai kapasitor kecil juga meningkatkan keseluruhan penanganan daya. Di atas: kurva frekuensi dari pembalap mentah tanpa filter di kabinet Plutone. Red tweeter on-axis Woofer Blue on-axis Range 200Hz - 20kHz Vertikal skala 60-110dB subdivisi 2dBs. Di atas: pengukuran frekuensi sistem selesai menunjukkan kurva halus rata di dalam - 1,5dB. Hal ini menunjukkan keseimbangan tonal yang sangat netral. Efisiensi sistem di atas rata-rata untuk monitor dua arah dengan sekitar 91 dB 2,83V. Rentang 200Hz - 20kHz Vertikal skala 50-100dB subdivisi 2dBs. Di atas: Pengukuran frekuensi sumbu dan sumbu di atas menunjukkan kurva respon yang sangat. Ini menunjukkan keseimbangan tonal konstan dan netral di bawah sudut manapun dan oleh karena itu ukuran panggung suara dapat disesuaikan dengan selera pribadi dan akustik ruangan tanpa mengubah keseimbangan tonal pengeras suara. Merah on-axis Hijau 15 derajat off-axis Ungu 30 derajat off-axis Kuning 45 derajat off-axis Rentang 200Hz - 20kHz Skala vertikal subdivisi 50-100dB 2dBs. Atas: Plot impedansi dari sistem selesai menunjukkan beban yang sangat mudah untuk penguat apapun, impedansi nominal 8 ohm yang sehat. Impedansi minimum 7,2 ohm 200Hz Impedansi maksimum 100 ohm 85Hz Rentang 20Hz - 20kHz Skala vertikal 0-40 ohm subdivisi 4 ohm. Di atas: Peluruhan busuk dari sistem yang telah selesai menunjukkan pembusukan yang sangat halus tanpa nasties. Rentang 200Hz - 20kHz Skala vertikal 0dB sampai -30dBs Skala waktu 30 periode. Di atas: Peluruhan spektral kumulatif dari sistem yang telah selesai lagi menunjukkan pembusukan yang sangat halus tanpa nasties. Rentang 200Hz - 20kHz Skala vertikal 0dB sampai -30dBs Skala waktu 4 milidetik. Seperti telah disebutkan di awal artikel ini, loudspeaker Plutone memiliki kemurnian yang menakjubkan dikombinasikan dengan keseimbangan tonal yang sangat alami dan ekspresi dinamis yang sangat baik. Mampu menggunakan tidak ada resistor di jalur sinyal tweeter tampaknya benar-benar terbayar. Pada versi sebelumnya dari crossover beberapa resistor digunakan. Tapi tidak masalah seberapa bagus resistornya (kami bereksperimen dengan Duelund CAST dan Mundorf MResist Supreme), resistor terbaik bukanlah resistor sama sekali. Plutone memang memerlukan waktu yang sangat lama untuk benar-benar terbakar, segar dari kotak suara. Tipis dan sedikit di wajahmu Diperlukan lebih dari 100 jam penggunaan normal sebelum loudspeaker menenangkan dan membuka. Setelah cukup terbakar - di treble sangat bagus, dengan banyak detail dan wawasan tentang rekaman dan pada saat bersamaan tidak pernah kasar dan tajam. Bahkan dengan rekaman yang telah saya gunakan selama bertahun-tahun, saya memperhatikannya dengan hal-hal Plutone yang sebelumnya ada di sana. Seperti berapa lama peluruhan akustik ada di studio rekaman, nampaknya lebih lama dari sebelumnya dan lebih logis (misalnya: nomor pembukaan Jingle Bells pada Diana Krall merekam Lagu Natal). Keseimbangan tonal loudspeaker ini sangat alami, seimbang dan koheren. Tidak lama lagi Anda memikirkan betapa bagusnya si tweeter atau seberapa bagus woofernya, seberapa bagus musiknya. Loudspeaker juga sangat jujur, pembicara hanya memainkan apa yang diberikan. Umpanlah rekaman yang tidak diproduksi dengan baik pada tahun 1980an musik populer dan Anda mendapatkan rekaman musik populer 1980 yang kurang diproduksi. Feed Plutone rekaman kualitas bagus dan Anda tidak bisa berharap untuk sesuatu yang lebih. Pada catatan Makiko Hirabayashis Tentunya instrumen yang ditangkap cukup realistis, instrumen perkusi dan lonceng terdengar sangat hidup-seperti dengan hangat hangat dan cerah. Piano konser mikrofon dekat terdengar hebat seperti seharusnya. Berbicara besar, panggung suara juga besar. Bila pengeras suara ditempatkan untuk membentuk segitiga sama sisi dengan pendengar dan sisi dalam kabinet loudspeaker bisa dilihat, gambarnya lebar dengan banyak kedalaman. Di ruang demo kami speaker berjarak sekitar 350 cm (diukur dari woofer phase-plug ke plug fase woofer) dan sekitar 380 sentimeter dari tempat mendengarkan. Ini memberi adanya pengalaman yang benar-benar memungkinkan Anda melupakan segalanya kecuali musik. Karena suara aslinya yang dikombinasikan dengan crossover minimalis, dibutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama untuk menemukan kapasitor yang tepat untuk tweeter Scanspeak. Awalnya kami pikir kami berada di jalur yang benar dengan menggunakan Mundorf Supreme EVO Silver-Gold-Oil karena sifatnya yang sangat rinci dan terbuka, namun setelah berbulan-bulan menggunakan sifat rinci ini menjadi terlalu banyak hal yang baik. Terus terang, Plutone terdengar terlalu mirip audio high-end dan tidak cukup seperti musik, jika Anda tahu apa yang saya maksud. Setelah pengujian lebih lanjut akhirnya kami akhirnya menggunakan Intertechnik Audyn True Copper Max yang dikombinasikan dengan total lima kapasitor film kecil yang terhubung paralel. Kombinasi ini memiliki lebih banyak arus, nada yang lebih kaya dan keseimbangan nada yang umumnya lebih menyenangkan. Seperti semua hal dalam audio, peningkatan kualitas suara kira-kira mengikuti skala linier, kenaikan biaya yang sesuai mengikuti (lebih dari kurang) skala logaritmik. Jadi untuk memperbaiki Intertechnik True Copper Max yang sudah sangat bagus, saya harus memanjakan diri dengan baik di Duelund Cast Copper Silver Hybrid untuk kapasitor tweeter utama. Jika biaya ekstra sangat berharga, terserah Anda, ada yang menganggapnya murah, yang lain tidak. Pada akhirnya semua relatif: perbedaan harga antara pasangan standar dan pasangan Duelund dari Plutone adalah 700 euro. Beberapa orang lebih memilih untuk menghabiskan uang sebanyak itu di jam tangan atau telepon pintar terbaru atau berlibur. Secara pribadi saya mendapatkan kepuasan dan kesenangan yang jauh lebih besar saat menghabiskannya di pengeras suara yang berlangsung paling tidak 30 tahun -) Bagaimanapun, kembali ke topik pembicaraan. Dengan kapasitor Duelund di crossover ada peningkatan tangibility dalam suara. Keuntungan suara dengan detail dan kekayaan nada pada saat bersamaan. Sulit untuk menggambarkan tapi hasil akhirnya adalah bahwa tampaknya ada efek yang lebih ada. Misalnya saat mendengarkan Pierre Boulezs Livre tuangkan Quatuor yang dilakukan oleh Quatuor Diotima, rasanya seperti duduk di barisan depan. Anda mendengar semua detail kecil seperti kontak tali busur lebih baik tapi dengan cara yang sangat alami, ini tidak mengalihkan perhatian Anda dari musik. Mungkin saya sedikit lebih peka terhadap hal-hal semacam ini (istri saya adalah pemain biola yang terlatih secara klasik dan saya bermain bass ganda jazz) tapi ini adalah realisme seperti ini yang membuat musik yang direproduksi jauh lebih meyakinkan. Selama pengembangan Plutone kami menggunakan banyak amplifier, kabel interlink dan speaker yang berbeda dan dalam semua kasus Plutone membiarkan Anda mendengar dengan tepat apa yang terjadi di bagian sistem lainnya. Misalnya dengan menggunakan Audioquests analog interlink Wind I mendapat vokal yang indah dan latar belakang yang sangat hitam dan pada saat bersamaan banyak presisi. Beralih ke Audioquests saling bertautan Bumi (yang identik dalam membangun kecuali untuk penggunaan tembaga dan bukan perak) latar belakang yang sangat hitam menjadi sedikit lebih hitam tapi mendapatkan sedikit kehangatan di treble bawah, memberikan suara keseluruhan sedikit lebih banyak. Persis perbedaan antara kedua interferensi Audioquest seperti dulu. Dan ini hanyalah salah satu dari banyak contoh lainnya. Plutone pada dasarnya hanya memungkinkan Anda mendengar dengan tepat apa yang terjadi di sistem Anda yang lain. Pengalaman yang sangat menyenangkan Isi dari perangkat loudspeaker Hifi DIY Humble DIY Plutone dengan crossover standar. Apa yang pelanggan katakan tentang Plutone: Sehari setelah saya menerima peralatan, saya menghubungkan semua komponen tanpa lemari dan memberi mereka waktu lebih dari 400 jam untuk membakar, jadi saya seharusnya sudah bisa mendengarnya dengan potensi penuh mereka. Plutones diberi makan oleh sistem minimalis dengan blok mono 300B SET langsung diberi makan oleh cd player Esoterik dengan kontrol volume. Audisi awal saya menghilangkan ketakutan terbesar saya terhadap mereka yang terdengar tipis dengan bass yang sangat bagus yang berukuran rata sampai 40Hz di kamarku. Mereka bersinar di daerah di mana saya berharap mereka akan dan dengan mudah melampaui monitor ScanSpeak Revelator saya sebelumnya. Dan ini bukan dengan margin kecil dengan tingkat detail yang meningkat terlihat dari catatan pertama: rasanya seperti berada di ruangan bersama para musisi. Ada lagu yang pernah saya dengar di sistem yang harganya lebih dari 100K dimana saya bisa mendengar suara tingkat rendah, tapi tidak cukup untuk memahami apa yang sedang dimainkan musisi, tidak cukup untuk mendapatkannya. Nah, akhirnya saya mendapatkannya dengan Plutone dan saya dapat mengidentifikasi instrumen mana yang sedang dimainkan dan terkejut saat mengetahui bahwa itu memainkan lebih banyak dari yang saya duga sebelumnya. Apakah lebih banyak mendengarkan kemarin dan saya harus mengatakan bahwa ada sesuatu yang hilang - dengan cara yang baik Sulit untuk menggambarkannya, tapi tingginya begitu halus namun sangat rinci sehingga saya harus menyimpulkan bahwa sebuah edginess (atau noise) dalam musik telah hilang. . Terima kasih telah mengembangkan Plutone, benar-benar pembicara pengulang referensi seni. (Jean-Pierre - Toronto, Kanada) Saya memiliki penelitian Unison Little Italy, Single Ended EL34 tabung-peta 2 x 12 Watts. Plutones telah bermain setidaknya 100 jam sebelum aku selesai untuk menyelesaikan lemari. Setelah pemasangan baru namun, itu berlangsung berminggu-minggu sebelum terdengar bagus. Tapi kemudian itu ada: tepat dan seimbang tapi juga hidup dan segar. Beberapa contoh: suara Magdalena Koen di arias oleh Bach terdengar sangat murni dan jelas. Instrumen dan suara dipisahkan dengan baik. Gitar dan gitar dalam berbagai rekaman suara Amalia Rodrigues dengan baik dan di mana ia menarik keluar dengan suaranya ini cukup hidup, tapi tidak pernah terlalu banyak. Gitar Sarah Ks jelas dan detil dan memiliki peluruhan yang panjang, menakjubkan. Dengan karya orkestra klasik, seperti Shostakovitchs 15th Symphony dengan London Philharmonic Orchestra yang dilakukan oleh Bernard Haitink, sebuah ruang yang indah dibuat. Bagian terakhir dari Mahlers Des Knaben Wunderhorn oleh Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra bersama Ricardo Chailly, memiliki lapisan musik yang indah. Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique bagian keempat: Marche au Supplice terdengar kencang, dengan perkusi yang dinamis, terompet nyaring dan menggeram. (Hans - Rotterdam, Belanda). Saya tidak bisa lebih bahagia dengan pembelian saya. Saya mendapatkan kit standar dengan kapasitor Intertechnik untuk tweeter, dan saya juga membeli Tonys dengan sangat baik CNC memotong lemari kayu lapis balistik birch. Peralatan saya terdiri dari Thule IA350B amp, Lyngdorf CD 1 CDP, kabel speaker tembaga buatan sendiri dan perak inti padat buatan sendiri dan interkoneksi tembaga (dua set). Saya tidak pernah memiliki speaker yang lebih baik di rumah saya Suara keseluruhannya tegas dan dinamis dengan banyak rincian. Suara itu lapang dan kencang. Salah satu kekhawatiran saya dengan speaker monitor, berbeda dengan speaker lantai yang pernah saya gunakan, kinerja bassnya tidak mencukupi. Performa bass terbaik di kamarku, yang panjangnya 7,20 meter, aku raih dengan baffle dari speaker 50cm dari dinding. Ketika mereka ditempatkan di sini, saya tidak bisa memikirkan bass yang lebih baik dan lebih kencang. Mereka bermain lebih dalam dari yang Anda kira, dan kamar saya seluas 32 meter persegi tampaknya sesuai dengan speaker ini. Anda bisa mendengar setiap nada dari bass dan drum dengan banyak udara di sekitar mereka. Anda juga bisa mendengar kapan drummer tidak memukul drum tempat yang persis sama setiap saat. Serangan dan kecepatannya luar biasa. Pembicara sangat terbuka dan pergeseran dari perak ke tembaga interkoneksi mudah didengar. Speaker ini layak mendapatkan kabel terbaik yang Anda mampu. Dalam kasus saya perak menambahkan ujung atas lebih lapang, di sisi lain yang tembaga menambahkan beberapa kehangatan di midrange atas. Reproduksi suara sangat bagus dan memiliki presentasi yang lapang, dinamis dan terbuka ini. Beberapa jam pertama tidak berguna, dan saya merasa bahwa saya mendengar kotak (lemari) berayun dan bersuara. Ini sekarang benar-benar hilang dan saya kira itu adalah driver itu sendiri yang hanya memerlukan cukup waktu untuk membakar awal. Saya tidak bisa mendapatkan soundstage yang sangat dalam yang saya dengar di tempat Tonys, tapi dia memiliki demo - Kamar, dan saya menggunakan ruang tamu untuk setup saya yang tidak diperlakukan dengan cara apapun. Gambar stereo itu bagus dan Anda bisa memvisualisasikan para pemusik untuk berada tepat di depan Anda. Speaker ini cukup berat dan beratnya sekitar 22 kg dan harus memiliki tribun yang solid. (Tonny - Fredericia, Denmark) Ada banyak pembicara, yang membuat speaker ini sangat spesial untuk saya. Suara menarik saya dalam musik. Ada banyak ungkapan dari para musisi. Ini berlaku untuk instrumen dan suara. Vokal benar-benar masuk. Peter Gabriel di Scratch My Back misalnya. Kualitas yang dimiliki Peter dalam suaranya untuk mengungkapkan apa yang dia nyanyikan itu luar biasa. Nuansa dalam setiap bagian, penggunaan dinamika, suara tenggorokan, falsetto. Ini merinding masuk Dan ini terjadi dengan banyak penyanyi. Hasilnya adalah reproduksi dengan banyak emosi dan ekspresi. Dan instrumennya begitu alami. Tidak menebak apa yang didengar, ceramah dan nada seimbang dan Anda bisa mendengar para pemusik dengan alat musik mereka di tempat kerja. Jika rekaman itu bagus, instrumennya didapat dari tempatnya sendiri, memiliki jumlah udara sendiri dan bisa didengar apa yang telah dilakukan insinyur suara. Orkestra yang dalam dan lebar. Di sini juga, suaranya tidak saling terkait atau disumbat. Dan rekaman yang buruk tidak mendapatkan ruang pseudo karena pembicara menambahkan sesuatu. Di sini sekali lagi tidak adanya efek palsu atau efek dan hanya ada representasi jujur. Yang midrange, dengan ekspresi, emosi dan kejelasannya, adalah rahasia dari rangkaian ini. Di daerah transisi dari midrange ke treble I cant mendeteksi perubahan nada. Detail tinggi, kurang agresi, sama-sama cocok dengan midrange. Dan di sini juga banyak kehalusan. Setiap ketuk pada topi tinggi atau simbal berbeda, musiknya begitu meriah. Seorang drummer yang baik mengungkapkan lebih banyak ekspresi dengan simbal dengan sentuhan menyikat dan ritmis. Tidak ada yang hilang dari musik. Dan ada begitu banyak CD, um, mengalir di jaringan saya dimana begitu banyak yang diluncurkan. Dan itu tidak hanya dengan jazz tapi juga banyak pop, rock dan klasik. Dan masih ada sesuatu di mana saya mencari sedikit cara untuk menggambarkannya. Pembicara ini sangat cepat dan yang spesial adalah memberikan banyak informasi dalam serangan tersebut. Saya menduga ini menambah keakraban instrumen dan kemudahan mendengarkan. Hasil dari semua ekspresi dari Plutone adalah yang hebat untuk mendengarkan musik. (Edwin - Fijnaart, Belanda) Tidak ada bagian dari situs ini boleh direproduksi dalam bentuk apapun tanpa persetujuan tertulis atau e-mail dari penulis. Desainnya bebas digunakan untuk tujuan pribadi DIY saja, penggunaan komersial sangat dilarang. Humble Homemade Hifi adalah anak perusahaan tg-akustik - Kamar Dagang 37138402 - Belanda Hak Cipta Humble Homemade Hifi Terakhir diperbarui 6.2.2017ProAc viene considerato da molti il ​​miglior fabbricante di diffusori hi-end al mondo. Molti rinomati professionisti utilizzano i diffusori ProAc sia di studio di registrazione sia di ambito domestico. Se conoscete il suono ProAc sapete che tutti i diffusori prodotti da questa casa sono facilmente identificabili, grazie alle loro caratteristiche soniche comuni. Se non conoscete i diffusori ProAc ascoltateli, nessuno mai rimasto deluso, molti hanno cambiato i propri diffusori di riferimento in favore delle creazioni di questo grande marchio inglese E ven dalam sejarah singkat high-end high fidelity, beberapa perusahaan telah bertahan dalam kursus. Bahkan lebih sedikit lagi yang secara konsisten mengembangkan dan menghasilkan produk berkualitas tinggi yang mendapat pujian internasional. ProAc adalah salah satu perusahaan seperti itu. Kisaran ProAc adalah, seperti yang mereka katakan, sangat mahal harganya. Kami tidak membuat pengeras suara murah dan tentunya tidak menghasilkan suara yang murah. Happily, many thousands of audiophiles worldwide agree with our philosophy. Every ProAc loudspeaker is hand-crafted, with our technicians individually responsible for the building and testing of each unit, from the flagship Response models to the diminutive Tablette. Build quality alone is unsurpassed, each cabinet being meticulously constructed, damped and finished in real wood veneer. Only the very finest components are used in ProAc loudspeakers, with each new model reflecting the very leading edge of audio technology. Indeed many models now incorporate dedicated driveunits using our own basket, cone and magnet assemblies. Drive unit performance is fine-tuned through expensive and sophisticated crossover networks. But all the finest cabinets and components in the world are redundant without inspired design. And for a quarter of a century Stewart Tyler, Chairman and Chief Designer has been responsible for putting it all together and producing the performance. He alone decides the cabinet size and configuration, drive unit layout and crossover design and all the other factors which combine to produce some of the most cultured sounds available in modern audio. ProAc loudspeakers are available through a network of enlightened dealers who will be pleased not only to put our models through their paces, but to give informed advice on partnering equipment. When you think youve heard the best, then go and hear ProAc. SERIE TABLETTE Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere lultimo prezzo 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere lultimo prezzo 0174 670100 infosinergy. us Tablette 10 - NOVITA Diffusore in sospensione pneumatica da scaffalestand a 2 vie, 5-50 watt, 10 ohm, 86dB, bi-wired. Dimensioni (LxAxP): 190,5x304,8x158,75 mm. The new ProAc Tablette 10 is a tenth generation of the Tablettes launched in 1979. The Tablette 10 is an all new design, using a thin walled heavy damped infinite baffle enclosure which is the same as the BBC LS35a. This design allows the Tablette 10 to be positioned against the wall, unlike a ported enclosure (not recommended). The new Tablette 10 has cutting edge new drive units, the bass driver has a Paginna Mika cone which is reed leaves mixed with Mika and coated with an acoustic dope. The crossover has been specially designed for a sealed enclosure with a network which shapes the response to give a rich bass and an extremely transparent midrange. The tweeter is our well known 1 inch silk dome used in many of ProAcs other models. During the design several speakers were used as comparison those being the LS35a, ProAc D2, Spender BC1 and Quad Esl 57. We urge people to listen and compare with other makes and models as we are sure you will find the music intoxicating. The Tablette 10 Specifications Nominal Impedance 10 ohms Recommended Amplifiers 5 to 50 watts Sensitivity 86 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass Driver ProAc 5quot with Paganni Mika cone, with acoustic coat. Crossover Finest components on dedicated circuit board. Multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi Wiring or Bi Amplification. Dimensions Height: 12quot (304.80mm), Width: 7quot 12 (190.50mm), Depth: 6quot 14 (158.75mm) including grille Mode StandShelf mounting Grille Acoustically transparent crimplene Finish Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Maple, Silk White. Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. Premium Finishes to order at extra cost The Tablette Reference Eight, launched in 2001, has proved a hugely successful restatement of the original Tablette design of 1979. Reborn in its earliest cabinet configuration but housing far more technically refined and powerful drive units, it produces a scale and quality of sound unimaginable over two decades ago. Now however, this enduring design scales new heights with the Reference Eight Signature. At the heart of this major leap forward is a remarkable new bassmidrange driver. Four times as expensive as the standard unit used in the Reference Eight, this new driver incorporates a neodymium bar magnet, copper rings and a copper phase plug. These components add up to vastly improved performance, with even greater linearity and lower distortion. The bass is more excitingly dynamic and the midrange considerably more open. Loading is by small twin reflex ports which reduce unwanted colouration. A high quality crossover network is coupled directly to the terminals to eradicate any deterioration in the signal paths. This redesigned board incorporates a larger bass inductor than the original Tablette and gives higher output with lower distortion. The crossover knits the midrange seamlessly to the output of the completely new tweeter, a sophisticated 1quot soft dome unit with a large surround which produces an exceptionally flat response, outstanding smoothness and fine detail. The cabinet itself is made from costly marine birch ply which is critically damped and tuned with high grade acoustic material. As ever with ProAc loudspeakers, the Reference Eight Signatures are completed by exquisite real wood veneer, but in keeping with their exclusivity are only available in the most exotic finishes. The Tablette Reference Eight Signature is a definitive monitor level design. The remarkably flat frequency response is characterised by a smooth, natural and detailed output delivered with a surprising level of power, weight and scale. This diminutive powerhouse can be placed on shelves or ledges, but for true highend listening is best mounted on heavy rigid stands. SERIE STUDIO Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere lultimo prezzo 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere lultimo prezzo 0174 670100 infosinergy. us Dopo un successo internazionale durato ben ventanni, Stewart Tyler presenta Studio SM 100, successore del celebre modello Studio 100, apprezzato universalmente come diffusore near field monitor negli studi di registrazione e come ottimo interprete musicale nel salotto di casa da moltissimi celebri artisti e operatori dellindustria discografica, oltre che da appassionati dellAlta Fedelt. Progettato per ben due anni direttamente dalla mente creativa di ProAc, il designer Stewart Tyler, il nuovo diffusore da stand Studio SM 100 presenta una componentistica migliorata puntando alle medesime sonorit del modello Studio 100, ma offrendo una minore distorsione grazie al nuovo tweeter, una maggior tenuta in potenza e una maggior longevit del woofer, complessivamente restituendo un suono leggermente pi morbido che permette un ascolto mai affaticante per lunghe sessioni di utilizzo. Diffusore bass reflex da scaffale a 2 vie, 30-150 watt, 8 ohm, 35hz-30khz, 88dB, bi-wired, magneti schermati. Il successore dellacclamato modello Studio 100. Dimensioni (LxAxP): 203x406x254 mm. Peso:12 kg. La coppia. Finitura ciliegio The ProAc studio 100 was produced for over 20 years until 2013. They were made for both domestic and studio use. The studio 100 quickly became a favourite in the studios used as a near field monitor For the last 2 years Stewart Tyler has been working on a new speaker named the ProAc SM100 and all parameters have been improved for both studio and domestic use. It now has a new bass driver with a new surround and dust cap along with a brand new 1 inch domed tweeter and crossover network, however the cabinet remains the same. The bass driver looks similar but has a new rubber surround for longevity and power handling and now comes in a ProAc basket. The tweeter is a new ProAc design with a 1 inch silk dome and a front plate to lower distortion, the dome has a new roll surround. MThe SM100 also features a new crossover, the overall sound quality is similar to the studio 100 but slightly smoother sound makes it ideal for long listening sessions. MFor further details contact ProAc via our website or ProAc dealer direct. Il progettista Stewart Tyler rinnova la gamma dei diffusori della serie Studio dando vita al diffusore ProAc Studio 115, il successore di Studio 110, uno dei diffusori ProAc di maggior successo. Seguendo le orme del predecessore, il nuovo diffusore Studio 115 si presenta come un diffusore compatto dalle prestazioni elevatissime, con un rapporto qualit prezzo che lo pone seriamente in rilievo sullofferta di mercato, e dotato del caratteristico suono ProAc presente in ogni diffusore creato dalla mente del progettista inglese. Studio 115 rivede completamente la componentistica il nuovo mid-woofer il medesimo altoparlante da 165mm utilizzato nei diffusori da pavimento ProAc Studio 140 MkII, il tweeter un nuovissimo progetto ProAc a cupola morbida da 20mm. Il mobile del diffusore stato snellito e acquisisce ulteriore rigidit per ridurre le riflessioni del frontale, e presenta il condotto del tubo daccordo posizionato centralmente per ottimizzare lemissione delle basse frequenze. Il crossover un progetto ex novo che impiega esclusivamente componenti di primordine. I morsetti sui terminali sono ora i medesimi impiegati sulla serie superiore Response. Studio 115 Diffusore bass reflex da scaffalestand a 2 vie, 15-150 watt, 8 ohm, 30hz-30khz, 88,5dB, bi-wired, magneti schermati. Dimensioni (LxAxP): 190x380x240 mm. Peso: 8,9 kg. ProAc proudly announce the launch of the Studio 115 all new compact monitor. The cabinet, drive units, crossover and terminals have all been upgraded from the previous model, the Studio 110 and a narrower cabinet front baffle has been utilised to aid dispersion and produce a bigger soundstage. The cabinet features bitumous damping and the port tube for bass loading is now centrally located on the front baffle with the new bass driver. The new bass driver is manufactured from carbon filled polyproalene A material which gives all the inherent advantages of cone stiffness such as a lucid bass quality and natural, detailed presentation. It is also an ideal material with which to minimise distortion characteristics and has contributed significantly to the success of the Studio 140 Mk 2. The bass driver crosses over to a brand new tweeter developed by ProAc which has a special dome with air-cooling. The crossover network components have been upgraded to seamlessly integrate the new drivers. The Studio 115 is designed to work with all levels of quality equipment, from a modest set-up to a true high-end system, producing highly musical results in the true ProAc compact monitor tradition. Diffusore bass reflex da scaffale a 2 vie, 15-150 watt, 4 ohm, 30hz-30khz, 88,5dB, bi-wired, magneti schermati. Dimensioni (LxAxP): 190x380x241 mm. Peso: 8,9 kg. The new studio 118 is a new stand mounting design. It comes in a variety of real wood veneers and the sound quality belies the size of the enclosure. The 118 has a new bass driver, with a great deal of research into cone materials, the new 118 unit excels in bass and mid-range performance and is further helped by a phase plug. The bass driver is loaded through a port making a reflex design, it also has a new magnet assembly giving a better bass response with a more open and better dispersion on mid-range frequencies. The tweeter has our iconic ProAc 20mm tweeter to cover high frequencies which it does in a sweet and detailed manner. A new crossover has been design to match the two units to give a wonderfully large sound stage with pinpoint imagery. The 118 is excellent on all types of music and more efficient than previous models, which make it suitable for lower powered valve and transistor amplifiers. Specifications Nominal Impedance 8 ohms Recommended Amplifiers 15 to 150 watts Frequency Response 30Hz to 30KHz Sensitivity 88.5 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass Driver 6.5 inch (165mm) ProAc unit with new coated cone and phase plug for greater dispersion. Tweeter 20mm all new ProAc silk dome. Crossover HQ network using the finest components with option for bi wiring bi-amping and utilising oxygen free cable. Dimensions 15.2quot (380mm) high, 7.6quot (190mm) wide, 9.64quot (241mm) deep (including grill) Weight 19.6 lb (8.9kg) each unpacked. Mode Stand Mounted Grille Acoustically transparent crimplene Finish Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Maple. Studio 148 - Diffusore bass reflex da pavimento a 2 vie, 15-250 watt, 4 ohm, 25hz-30khz, 91dB, bi-wired, magneti schermati. Dimensioni (LxAxP): 190x1.040x280 mm. Peso: 19 kg. Overview ProAcs latest the studio 148 is a narrow columnar design with a stabilising plinth and bass port pre-drilled for adjustable spikes. The beautiful and real wood veneers are impeccable making it suitable for all types of room design. There are 3 drive units in each enclosure, the two 6.5 inch units cover bass frequencies but each one has been mechanically tuned to cover mid frequencies. To improve dispersion the upper bass driver has a phase plug whilst the lower unit has a ProAc open weave cap. This gives the 148 tremendous bass power and depth with a clear precise mid range. The bass drivers crossover to the ProAc 1 inch silk dome tweeter used in many other ProAc models. The bass drivers are loaded by a port in the bottom of the cabinet and through the plinth. Spikes are used to raise the cabinet allowing air to move under the enclosure and through the port. Improvements can be heard in all areas from a tight, cleaner and extended bass through a detailed mid-range with a sweet and detailed high frequency, the 148 also has a large spectacular sound stage with pin point imagery. The studio 148 comes in a variety of real wood veneers and is above average for efficiency, meaning the use of small high quality valve amplifiers and transistor amplifiers. Specifications Nominal Impedance 4 ohms Recommended Amplifiers 15 to 250 watts Frequency Response 25Hz to 30KHz Sensitivity 91 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass Driver 2 x 6.5quot (165mm) ProAc units with coated cone and mechanical tuning with dust cap and phase plug. Tweeter 1quot (25mm) silk dome air cooled with inner dome damping mirror image offset. Crossover HQ network using the finest components with option for bi wiring bi-amping and utilising oxygen free cable and response terminals. Dimensions Height: 41quot (1040mm), Width: 7.5quot (190mm), Depth: 11quot (280mm) with grill Weight 42 lb (19 kg) each unpacked. Mode Floor standing with spikes. Grille Acoustically transparent crimplene. Finish Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Maple. SERIE RESPONCE Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere lultimo prezzo 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere lultimo prezzo 0174 670100 infosinergy. us Per molto tempo il modello Response stato uno dei mini-monitor pi diffusi al mondo, ma oggi il RESPONCE ONE gli ha rubato il trono. Significativi miglioramenti ad alta tecnologia sono stati effettuati al driver dei bassi, nel mobile e sul crossover. Il baffle del mobile pi sottile per aiutare la dispersione, e ora dotato di uno speciale materiale smorzante che rende il mobile molto robusto e inerte. Laltoparlante dei bassi completamente nuovo risiede ora su uno chassis ProAc, che ha una struttura a ragno rialzata e un materiale del cono simile a quello utilizzato nel diffusore D2. Esso incorpora il sistema di magnete EXCEL e una presa acrilica a smorzamento di fase. Ulteriori miglioramenti sono stati effettuati al crossover. I risultati sono un basso pi dimpatto, toni medi pi aperti e ricchi, frequenze alte pi dettagliate. Il D1 anche pi efficiente di ben 1,5 dB rispetto all1SC rendendolo pi facile da pilotare anche disponendo di un amplificatore con ridotta potenza duscita. Specifiche Impedenza: 8 ohm Amplificazione: da 20 to 100 watt Risposta in frequenza: da 38Hz a 30kHz Sensibilit: 87,5 db lineari 1 watt 1 metro Mediobassi: altoparlante da 130mm ProAc con cono in fibra di vetro intrecciata, struttura a ragno rialzata, magnete sistema Excel e presa acrilica a smorzamento di fase, chassis assemblato a motore lineare, magnete in rame e presa di fase. Materiale del cono esclusivo ProAc Alti: altoparlante a cupola da 34, bobina a nido dape con smorzamento speciale raffreddato a ferrofluido. Crossover: vengono utilizzati i migliori componenti assemblati su una scheda dedicata dotata di cablaggio multistrand in rame privo di ossigeno. Bi-wiring e bi-amping opzionali. Dimensioni (LxAxP): 168x305x260mm (la profondit include la griglia spessa 12mm) Peso: 9kg Utilizzo: su stand Griglia: crimplene trasparente Finitura: impiallicciature in vero legno Finiture standard: nero cenere, mogano, cigliegio, acero For many years the Response 1SC has been one of the worlds leading mini monitors but now the D1 has stolen its crown. High tech improvements have been made to the cabinet, bass driver, and crossover network. he cabinet baffle is slimmer to aid dispersion, and now has a special damping material making the cabinet very heavy and inert. The all-new bass driver is now on a ProAc chassis, this has a raised spider and similar cone material to the D2. It also features the EXCEL magnet system and a new acrylic damping phase plug. Further improvements have been made to the crossover network. The results are a punchier bass, richer more open midrange, with sweet and detailed high frequencies. The D1 is also 1.5 dB more efficient than the 1SC making it easier to drive for those who have amplifiers with a lower output. Technical Info Close window Taking miniature loudspeaker performance to new heights Nominal Impedance 8 ohms Recommended Amplifiers 20 to 100 watts Frequency Response 38Hz to 30kHz Sensitivity 87.5 db linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Cabinet Heavy, inert construction damped with special material and featuring slim, rigid front baffle design to aid dispersion. BassMidrange Driver New 5quot (130mm) ProAc unit featuring glass fibre weave cone, raised spider assembly, EXCEL magnet system and unique acrylic damping phase plug. Tweeter ProAc dome unit with honeycomb wound voice coil, special damping and ferrofluid-cooled coil assembly. Crossover Finest components on dedicated circuit board with multistrand oxygen-free copper cable throughout. Split for optional bi-wiringbi-amping. Dimensions 12quot (305mm) high 6 58quot (168mm) wide 10 14quot (260mm) deep including grille thickness of 12mm Weight 20lbs (9 Kgs) Mode Stand mounted Grille Acoustically transparent crimplene Finish, Finish Available in the following real wood veneers: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, and Maple. Ebony to order at extra cost. Due to our policy of continuous improvement specifications are subject to change without notice. Response D Two Diffusore bass reflex da scaffale a 2 vie, 20-150 watt, 8 ohm, 30hz-30khz, 88,5dB, biwired. Dimensioni (LxAxP in mm): 203x430x260. Altezza punte incluse. Disponibile in finitura ciliegio, frassino nero, bianco mogano, acero, . 685,00 euro per palissandro, ebano, acero a occhio di pavone. ProAc loudspeakers have a reputation for exceptional sound and build quality. Our enclosures may look conventional but this hides the advanced technology required to build a rigid and well-damped cabinet. Our loudspeakers are made in our factory at Brackley, England. They are slim and elegant, finished in gorgeous real wood veneer. With first class sound quality, youll be listening to ProAc speakers long after you would have become tired of a fashionable but poor sounding alternative. We are renowned for producing compact high-end speakers evidenced by both Tablette and Response 1SC which have become iconic over the years. The Response D TWO is a new speaker in this fine tradition, designed for the finest quality music and giving true monitor performance. The cabinet is made from a heavily damped, thin-wall rigid birch ply carcass, with a 25mm back panel. The bass driver is new, using the same cone technology as the Response D15 but with a revised coil and magnet. The tweeter is the same 1ampquot silk dome as used in other ProAc models and the drive units are seamlessly mated with an HQ network designed and built by ProAc. Sound quality from the D TWO is one of extreme transparency a lush and potent bass response and a silky detailed high frequency. The D TWO also have a huge sound stage with pinpoint imagery. The speakers are designed to sit on high mass stands from 18ampquot high depending on your seating position. Response D 20 - Diffusore bass reflex da pavimento a 2 vie, 20-180 watt, 8 ohm, 28hz-33khz, 88,5db, bi-wired, tweeter a cupola Dimensioni (LxAxP): 190x960x227 mm (punte incluse). Peso: 26 kg. Diffusore bass reflex da pavimento a 2 vie, 20-180 watt, 8 ohm, 28hz-33khz, 88,5db, bi-wired, tweeter a nastro. Dimensioni (LxAxP): 190x960x227 mm (punte incluse). Peso: 26 kg. ProAc Response D20R speakers In order to satisfy demand for Ribbon loaded tweeter speakers ProAc are introducing the brand new Response D20R. The New model takes lot from current ProAc range, most notably the same midrangebass driver you find in the critically acclaimed D18s and the same Bass loading system you find in the bigger D30Rs to offer a powerful bass response with good extension and low colouration. The crossover network features audiophile grade components to accurately merge the ribbon tweeter and bass midrange unit together seamlessly, whilst never getting in the way of the music. Bass loading by the cabinet has been improved over the D18 to give a solid bass delivery, to create incredibly lifelike sound stage. This combination offers a light, airy and detailed high frequency response but with a powerful bass extension and clear natural midrange to satisfy even the most critical ear. A selection of beautiful real wood veneers enable the D20Rs to look just as good as they sound. Frequency Response 28Hz to 33KHz Sensitivity 88.5 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass Midrange driver 6.5quot (165mm) ProAc unit fitted features glass fibre weave cone, Excel Magnet system and unique acrylic damping phase plug. Ribbon tweeter ProAc ribbon 60mm by 10 mm as light as a human hair, with rear chamber damping. Crossover network Audiophile components on dedicated circuit board. Multi-strand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional bi-wiring or bi-amplification Recommended amplifier power 20 to 180 watts Impedance 8937 Weight 26kg each Dimensions Height: 38.4quot (960mm) plus Spikes Width: 7.6quot (190mm) Depth: 9.1quot (227mm) Diffusore bass reflex da pavimento a 2 vie, 10-200 watt, 8 ohm, 20hz-30khz, 89dB, bi-wired. Dimensioni (LxAxP in mm): 215x1041x266. Altezza punte incluse. ProAc has recently implemented the use of carbon fibre in the cones of the Response D40 and Carbon Pro 8, and Kevlar in the Tablette Anniversary and K6 models, thereby achieving levels of sound quality that were only dreamed of a few years ago. The necessary exhaustive research involved in the development of these models and the materials employed, has enabled us to design cones that give excellent frequency response characteristics and the new Response D30 is the latest model to take advantage of the acoustic excellence of carbon fibre. The Response D30 floorstander utilises a new polymer rear coated carbon fibre coned bass driver mounted in a slim enclosure. Bass loading is achieved by side vented directional loading similar to that used in the D40, producing an extremely accurate and powerful bass response with good extension and low colouration. The D30 is available in both ribbon and dome tweeter configurations and features the same high quality HF units found in the D40D40R. The crossover network employs dedicated components of the highest quality and multi strand oxygen free copper wiring. The classic ProAc split crossover design offers bi-wiring and bi-amping options. The D30 therefore offers a similar bass loading, cone material, tweeter and crossover network to that of its larger sibling, making it an ideal choice for those who require a smaller floorstander, but still demand sonic excellence. Once set up using our own spikes, which are designed to penetrate even thick carpet and when partnered with quality electronics, the exceptional performance of the D30 can be fully realised. Offering clean powerful bass, an uncoloured, open midrange and a sweet, detailed high frequency response from either the ribbon or dome tweeter, the Stewart Tyler designed D30 offers a wonderfully natural and musical performance with pinpoint imagery that will appeal to audiophiles and music lovers all over the world. Diffusore bass reflex da pavimento a 2 vie, 10-200 watt, 8 ohm, 20hz-30khz, 89dB, bi-wired. Tweeter a nastro. Dimensioni (LxAxP in mm): 215x1041x266. Altezza punte incluse. ProAc has recently implemented the use of carbon fibre in the cones of the Response D40 and Carbon Pro 8, and Kevlar in the Tablette Anniversary and K6 models, thereby achieving levels of sound quality that were only dreamed of a few years ago. The necessary exhaustive research involved in the development of these models and the materials employed, has enabled us to design cones that give excellent frequency response characteristics and the new Response D30 is the latest model to take advantage of the acoustic excellence of carbon fibre. The Response D30 floorstander utilises a new polymer rear coated carbon fibre coned bass driver mounted in a slim enclosure. Bass loading is achieved by side vented directional loading similar to that used in the D40, producing an extremely accurate and powerful bass response with good extension and low colouration. The D30 is available in both ribbon and dome tweeter configurations and features the same high quality HF units found in the D40D40R. The crossover network employs dedicated components of the highest quality and multi strand oxygen free copper wiring. The classic ProAc split crossover design offers bi-wiring and bi-amping options. The D30 therefore offers a similar bass loading, cone material, tweeter and crossover network to that of its larger sibling, making it an ideal choice for those who require a smaller floorstander, but still demand sonic excellence. Once set up using our own spikes, which are designed to penetrate even thick carpet and when partnered with quality electronics, the exceptional performance of the D30 can be fully realised. Offering clean powerful bass, an uncoloured, open midrange and a sweet, detailed high frequency response from either the ribbon or dome tweeter, the Stewart Tyler designed D30 offers a wonderfully natural and musical performance with pinpoint imagery that will appeal to audiophiles and music lovers all over the world. Response D 48 - Diffusore bass reflex da pavimento a 2 vie, 10-250 watt, 8 ohm, 20hz-30khz, 90db, bi-wired. Dimensioni (LxAxP): 212x1.200x349 mm (punte incluse). Peso: 39 kg. After a year in research and development the D48 is now ready for production. Areas of improvement have been mid-range detail and a cleaner, faster and more extended bass response. A new studio monitor quality bass driver was designed for the D48. It features a special impregnated cone and mid frequencies are tuned by a cap of greater size than standard. This gives the new unit greater mid-range detail along with excellent bass control giving a tighter and more extended response. The two new bass drivers are each loaded through our special floor loading with side vents, this makes the loudspeaker easier to sight and reacts less to surroundings. The two bass units are then seamlessly mated to our ribbon or dome tweeter depending on your preference. With such a large slim floor standing design the sound stage is superb being very large and with pinpoint imagery. Another achievement for the D48 is its ability to create large orchestral works as well as heavy rock music. The D48 has a high quality filter network designed by Stewart Tyler comprising of the finest components, ProAc cable on a special board. The filter is also split for bi-amping and bi-wiring. This is one of the best designs from ProAc and should please all audio files regardless of their taste in music. Specifications Nominal Impedance 4 ohms Recommended Amplifiers10 to 250 Watts Frequency Response 20Hz to 30Khz Sensitivity 90 dB linear for 1 Watt at 1 metre BassMidrange 2 x 6 12 inch (165mm) ProAc unit studio monitor design with special coating and dust cap tuning. Tweeter Tweeter D48R - ProAc ribbon 60mm x 10mm light as a human hair with rear chamber damping. Tweeter D48 - ProAc 1 inch (25 mm) soft dome with special surround and inner damping. Crossover HQC using dedicated components wired throughout with ProAc multistrand oxygen-free copper cable. Split for optional bi-wiringbi-ampingDimensions 47 14 inch (1200mm) high on plinths with spikes 8 13 inch (212mm) wide 13 12 inch (340mm) deep Weight86 lbs (39 Kgs) eachMode Floor standing Grille Acoustically transparent crimplene Finish Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Maple. Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. Response D 48 Ribbon - Diffusore bass reflex da pavimento a 2 vie, 10-250 watt, 8 ohm, 20hz-30khz, 90db, bi-wired, tweeter a nastro. Dimensioni (LxAxP): 212x1.200x349 mm (punte incluse). Peso: 39 kg. After a year in research and development the D48 is now ready for production. Areas of improvement have been mid-range detail and a cleaner, faster and more extended bass response. A new studio monitor quality bass driver was designed for the D48. It features a special impregnated cone and mid frequencies are tuned by a cap of greater size than standard. This gives the new unit greater mid-range detail along with excellent bass control giving a tighter and more extended response. The two new bass drivers are each loaded through our special floor loading with side vents, this makes the loudspeaker easier to sight and reacts less to surroundings. The two bass units are then seamlessly mated to our ribbon or dome tweeter depending on your preference. With such a large slim floor standing design the sound stage is superb being very large and with pinpoint imagery. Another achievement for the D48 is its ability to create large orchestral works as well as heavy rock music. The D48 has a high quality filter network designed by Stewart Tyler comprising of the finest components, ProAc cable on a special board. The filter is also split for bi-amping and bi-wiring. This is one of the best designs from ProAc and should please all audio files regardless of their taste in music. Specifications Nominal Impedance 4 ohms Recommended Amplifiers10 to 250 Watts Frequency Response 20Hz to 30Khz Sensitivity 90 dB linear for 1 Watt at 1 metre BassMidrange 2 x 6 12 inch (165mm) ProAc unit studio monitor design with special coating and dust cap tuning. Tweeter Tweeter D48R - ProAc ribbon 60mm x 10mm light as a human hair with rear chamber damping. Tweeter D48 - ProAc 1 inch (25 mm) soft dome with special surround and inner damping. Crossover HQC using dedicated components wired throughout with ProAc multistrand oxygen-free copper cable. Split for optional bi-wiringbi-ampingDimensions 47 14 inch (1200mm) high on plinths with spikes 8 13 inch (212mm) wide 13 12 inch (340mm) deep Weight86 lbs (39 Kgs) eachMode Floor standing Grille Acoustically transparent crimplene Finish Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Maple. Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. Diffusore bass reflex da pavimento a 3 vie,10-250 watt, 4 ohm, 25hz-30khz, 90dB, biwired. Dimensioni (LxAxP in mm): 125x1185x340. Altezza punte incluse. ProAc is proud to announce the launch of the K6 loudspeaker. Following the successful incorporation of carbon fibre cone technology in the Carbon Pro Series, ProAc have been researching other materials for possible inclusion in their high end loudspeakers. The results of this research have come to fruition in the shape of the new K series which utilises cones manufactured from the material, Kevlar. Kevlar benefits from having similar properties to carbon fibre, being light and at the same time rigid. The ProAc 6 12quot drivers utilised in the K6 feature Kevlar cones made by the same special method as our carbon fibre coned drive units the cone is painstakingly produced from a mould by hand, a labour intensive process taking many hours to complete. Although Kevlar has proven to be an excellent cone material sonically, the Kevlar ProAc bass drivers require a different porting mechanism in order to realise their full potential. The bass is loaded by an almost invisible vent to produce a wonderfully weighty but exceptionally fast bass response. These drivers are seamlessly crossed over to a 2quot dome midrange, the horn of which is manufactured from billet aluminium and for the high frequencies, ProAcs proven ribbon tweeter has been chosen. The cabinet on the K6 is a traditional mixture from ProAc of HDF materials of different thicknesses heavily damped with bitumen. Indeed the carcass including bitumen is 35mm thick. The combination of research into carbon fibre and its ingredients have produced a stunningly accurate and detailed loudspeaker, having an electrostatic or panel quality without the drawbacks. Sound is reproduced effortlessly with incredible detail and pinpoint imagery, which often can be muddled by conventional drive units. The K6 is designed for audiophiles and music lovers who are looking for a true high end loudspeaker offering smooth reproduction and an impressively flat response throughout the frequency range. The legendary ProAc qualities of large soundstaging and pin-sharp imaging capabilities complete a highly musical and engaging transducer. Specifications Nominal Impedance 4 ohms Recommended Amplifiers10 to 250 Watts Frequency Response 25hz to 30KhzSensitivity 90 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metreBass Driver 2 x 6 12quot (165mm) studio professional drive units with polymer impregnated Kevlar cones and Zinc basket Midrange Driver 2quot (50mm) soft dome with 6061 Aluminium Alloy Front Plate Tweeter ProAc ribbon with diaphragm as light as a human hair alnico magnet and rear chamber damping and 6061 Aluminium Alloy Front Plate Crossover Finest components on dedicated dual layer circuit board ProAc multistrand oxygen-free copper cable throughout Split for optional bi-wiring and bi-amping Dimensions 46quot high (1185mm) with spikes and plinths, 8 12quot (215mm) wide, 13 12quot (340mm) deep Weight 97 lbs (44 Kgs) each Mode Floorstanding on spikesGrille Acoustically transparent crimplene Finish Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Maple. Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. Diffusore bass reflex da pavimento a 3 vie, 10-500 watt, 4 ohm, 20hz-30khz, 91,5db, bi-wired, tweeter a nastro. Dimensioni (LxAxP): 240x1.230x450 mm (punte incluse). Peso: 70 kg. Loudspeaker companies have toyed with the use of carbon fibre in loudspeakers, mainly for the use in cabinets. Carbon fibre coned drive units are rarely seen and used, we believe the type of carbon fibre and its preparation that we are using is unique. For the past year ProAc has been researching the use of pure carbon fibre due to its qualities and resonances in the manufacture of drive unit cones. Its incredible stiffness makes it ideal for a drive unit cone, and its piston like qualities are perfect for moving air at low frequencies without distortion. The new Carbon Pro Eight uses two carbon fibre coned bass drivers, a carbon fibre midrange horn and a carbon composite plinth. The carbon cone is unique with a pure polymer impregnated carbon weave and polished diaphragm, the back of the cone is then specially lacquered and finally it is concentrically weighted to add appropriate mass. The 3 inch midrange dome is repositioned in the unique pure polymer impregnated carbon weave and polished horn, and midrange sounds are reproduced with uncanny realism. High frequencies are covered by the ProAc ribbon tweeter with a diaphragm lighter than a human hair giving a sweet and detailed reproduction. With these attributes the cabinet size can be reduced greatly without losing the weight and slam of a much larger conventional loudspeaker. The cabinet on the Carbon Pro Eight is a traditional mixture from ProAc of HDF materials of different thicknesses heavily damped with bitumen. Indeed the carcass including Nominal Impedance 4 Ohms Recommended Amplifiers 10 to 500 Watts Frequency Response 20hz 30Khz Sensitivity 91.5db linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass Driver 2 x 8in (200 mm) studio professional drive units with pure polymer impregnated and polished carbon weave cone with rear lacquer and concentric weighting. Midrange Driver 3quot (75 mm) soft dome with pure polymer impregnated carbon weave air coupling. Tweeter ProAc ribbon with diaphragm as light as a human hair alnico magnet and rear chamber damping. Crossover Finest components on dedicated circuit board. ProAc multistrand oxygen-free copper cable throughout split for optional bi wiring and bi amping. Dimensions 49.2quot (1230 mm) high with spikes and plinths, 9.6quot (240 mm) wide, 18quot (450 mm) deep Weight 146.9 lb (68 kg) each unpacked Mode Floor standing with spikes Grille Acoustically transparent crimplene Finish High gloss lacquer finish options available on request Carbon Pro 8 Diffusore bass reflex da pavimento a 3 vie, 10-500 watt, 4 ohm, 20hz-30khz, 88,5dB, biwired. Finitura lucida. Dimensioni (LxAxP in mm): 240x1230x450.Altezza punte incluse. Loudspeaker companies have toyed with the use of carbon fibre in loudspeakers, mainly for the use in cabinets. Carbon fibre coned drive units are rarely seen and used, we believe the type of carbon fibre and its preparation that we are using is unique. For the past year ProAc has been researching the use of pure carbon fibre due to its qualities and resonances in the manufacture of drive unit cones. Its incredible stiffness makes it ideal for a drive unit cone, and its piston like qualities are perfect for moving air at low frequencies without distortion. The new Carbon Pro Eight uses two carbon fibre coned bass drivers, a carbon fibre midrange horn and a carbon composite plinth. The carbon cone is unique with a pure polymer impregnated carbon weave and polished diaphragm, the back of the cone is then specially lacquered and finally it is concentrically weighted to add appropriate mass. The 3 inch midrange dome is repositioned in the unique pure polymer impregnated carbon weave and polished horn, and midrange sounds are reproduced with uncanny realism. High frequencies are covered by the ProAc ribbon tweeter with a diaphragm lighter than a human hair giving a sweet and detailed reproduction. With these attributes the cabinet size can be reduced greatly without losing the weight and slam of a much larger conventional loudspeaker. The cabinet on the Carbon Pro Eight is a traditional mixture from ProAc of HDF materials of different thicknesses heavily damped with bitumen. Indeed the carcass including bitumen is 35 mm thick. The combination of research into carbon fibre and its ingredients have produced a stunningly accurate and detailed loudspeaker, having an electrostatic or panel quality without the drawbacks. Sound is reproduced effortlessly with incredible detail and pinpoint imagery, which often can be muddled by conventional drive units. We are sure at ProAc you will not see this type of drive unit in any other high-end loudspeaker and you will be amazed at such an open accurate and natural sound with a fast potent bass response. We urge those seeking the ultimate sound experience to audition the Carbon Pro Eight at a ProAc dealer near you . Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere lultimo prezzo 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere lultimo prezzo 0174 670100 infosinergy. us Diffusore bassreflex canale centrale a 2 vie, 10-100 watt, 4 ohm, 88dB, bi - wired, magneti schermati. Dimensioni (LxAxP): 431,8x190,5x203,2 mm. Diffusore bass reflex per canale centrale a 2 vie, 10-150 watt, 8 ohm, 35hz-30khz, 89dB, bi-wired, magneti schermati. Dimensioni (LxAxP in mm): 439x197x204. Disponibile in finitura ciliegio, frassino nero, mogano, acero, ebano. For over a decade, the ProAc Response CC1 has been a firm favourite for use in all makes of home cinema systems. During the design of the CC1, great care was taken in matching crossover frequencies and balance, not only for ProAc loudspeakers, but also for compatibility with other manufacturers products. With the advent of higher dynamics, bandwidth and speech emanating from the centre, we decided to design a new centre channel which would effectively reproduce this extra information. The new Studio Centre Channel has taken two years to perfect. The cabinet is marginally bigger than the CC1 with two new bass drivers and is front ported as opposed to the rear ported design of the CC1. This allows for improved matching and placement, making the Studio Centre Channel a perfect match for the entire ProAc range. Careful crossover design has also meant that it is highly suitable for use with other makes of home cinema speakers, bringing an open and natural quality to centre channel reproduction. The Studio Centre makes an obvious partner for the Studio 110130140 models. A 5 inch version of the 612 inch bass driver used in the Studio range was designed using a special coated pulp cone and partnered with a new version of the Studio range tweeter, incorporating a shielded magnet system which will prevent interference with CRT monitors. Great emphasis was placed in the design process to produce a natural, open midrange with extra bandwidth for the music and sound effects reproduced by the centre channel. Efficiency and sensitivity have been improved over its predecessor and there is also greater bass extension and power. In summary, the ProAc Studio Centre Channel is a perfect match for our Studio and Response ranges or any good quality system where an excellent, compact centre channel is required . Response D Monitor Diffusore bassreflex canale centrale a 2 vie, 20-300 watt, 4 ohm, 25hz-30khz, 90dB, bi - wired, magneti schermati. Dimensioni (LxAxP in mm): 660x250x300. Following the successful release of the ProAc Response D range we have designed and built a new high end studio monitor The new Response D Monitor is a radical new design delivering greater bandwidth, higher sensitivity with dynamic, yet smooth and open performance, and are available Response D Monitor Ribbon Diffusore bassreflex canale centrale a 2 vie, 20-300 watt, 4 ohm, 25hz-30khz, 90dB, bi - wired, magneti schermati. Tweeter a nastro. Dimensioni (LxAxP in mm): 660x250x300. 345,00 euro per ebano, acero a occhio di pavone. Following the successful release of the ProAc Response D range we have designed and built a new high end studio monitor The new Response D Monitor is a radical new design delivering greater bandwidth, higher sensitivity with dynamic, yet smooth and open performance, and are available Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere lultimo prezzo 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere lultimo prezzo 0174 670100 infosinergy. us Response ER 1 Subwoofer amplificato, 150 watt (200 di picco), 18hz-120hz (-6db a 18hz), woofer da 250mm in fibra di carbonio. Dimensioni: cubo 380mm, piedini 51mm. Peso: 20 kg. Overview For ProAc, the development of a sub-woofer has only recently become a priority. In our opinion early designs blurred detail and imagery in stereo systems. We felt that it was only with the advent of the more compact active sub-woofers with their own electronics and filters that matching capability and sound quality were improved, but we still did not feel the need to produce our own unit. Lately however, particularly with the increasing popularity of home theatre and with the success of our own ProAc Home Theatre system (Studio 130 140 front, Studio 110 rear, and the Studio Centre channel) we decided that it would be desirable to develop a high quality sub-woofer which would be a credible addition to sophisticated audio systems. This first ProAc ER One (Equalised Reflex) subwoofer is an active unit with its own filters and internal amplification. Development has been a lengthy process. Our initial research indicated that drive unit cone material was a main contributing factor to sub-bass colouration. So a new carbon composite cone, developed a few years ago specifically for our Response and Future ranges, provided the perfect solution. Characterised by a clean and uncoloured bass output, this new material was developed into a ten-inch cone specifically for the ER One. It was immediately found to have the necessary rigidity and internal damping to produce a clean and natural sound, complementing the output of the main loudspeakers rather than detracting from it. The drive unit is mounted in a compact enclosure of high rigidity and thickness, with damped inner walls and loaded by our unique equalised reflex port, as developed for our Response and Future models. Naturally with the compatibility of the cone material and other design factors, this unit has proved to be especially successful with our own home theatre system, but extensive testing has also assured its effectiveness with other high quality home theatre and two-channel systems. The ER One is a true ProAc thoroughbred and immediately raises the game in sub-bass performance for an extra octave of bass in a twochannel hi-fi system or explosive weight and authority in a home theatre system the ER One is the one to beat. Available in a variety of real wood veneers, this stunning new unit is available at your nearest ProAc dealer. Specifications Amplifier Power Output 150 watts to 200 peak Frequency Response 18hz to 120hz (minus 6db at 18hz) Cabinet Equalised reflex. Bass Driver 10quot (250mm) carbon fibre composite on cast chassis with inner breather. Dimensions 15quot (380mm) cube, 17quot (431mm) high on feet Weight 44lbs (20kg) Mode Floorstanding Grille Acoustically transparent crimplene Finish Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Maple. Se su un prodotto presente o non presente nel nostro catalogo ci puoi richiedere il prezzo scontato telefonando 0174 670100 - 0174 481045 o inviando un e-mail a infonewaudio. it ti faremo la migliore offerta. Essendo rivenditori ufficiali Italia le aziende ci chiedono di non creare turbative di mercato pubblicando prezzi scontati non di listino ufficiale. Se hai trovato un prezzo pi basso in rete. segnalacelo e noi faremo di tutto per applicare quel prezzo. Altrimenti fai tu unofferta e noi la valutateremo. La segnalazione pu essere effettuata via email oppure telefonando. (Per prezzo pi basso si riferisce ad offerte praticate sul Web da aziende che sono distributori ufficiali con sede in Italia. con regolare fatturazione e garanzia italiana fornita dal distributore ufficiale. Qualora il prezzo da confrontare fosse riferito a venditori esteri o che non offrono le caratteristiche suddette, queste non verranno prese in considerazione.) Clicca per qui per vedere. FOTO PRODOTTO Clicca per qui per vedere. ISTRUZIONI PRODOTTO Clicca per qui per vedere. CATALOGO, PROVA RIVISTE SPECIALIZZATE PRODOTTO Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere lultimo prezzo 0174 670100 Telefona o invia un e-mail per avere lultimo prezzo 0174 670100 infosinergy. us Per ordinare o avere gli ultimi prezzi aggiornati telefona al 0174 670100 o invia un E-mail a infosinergy. us Il presente listino sostituisce ed annulla ogni precedente. I prezzi indicati si riferiscono a singolo diffusore. Le caratteristiche e i prezzi indicati possono variare senza preavviso telefonare o inviare un e-mail per ulteriori domande e conferme sui prezzi sopra riporta ti. Prezzi f ranco nostro magazzino Nota bene Tutti i marchi citati nel presente listino sono di propriet e registrati alle rispettive Case ProduttriciWhat is Twitter and why does it keep following me around Twitter Explained Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that allows you answer the question, quotWhat are you doingquot by sending short text messages 140 characters in length, called quottweetsquot, to your friends, or quotfollowers. quot The short format of the tweet is a defining characteristic of the service, allowing informal collaboration and quick information sharing that provides relief from rising email and IM fatigue. Twittering is also a less gated method of communication: you can share information with people that you wouldnt normally exchange email or IM messages with, opening up your circle of contacts to an ever-growing community of like-minded people. You can send your messages using the Twitter website directly, as a single SMS alert, or via a third-party application such as Twirl, Snitter, or the Twitterfox add-on for Firefox. (See below for links to Twitter tools and applications .) Your tweets are displayed on your profile page, on the home page of each of your followers, and in the Twitter public timeline (unless you disable this in your account settings.) You can receive tweets by visiting the Twitter website, IM, SMS, RSS. email or via a third-party application. For more information about what Twitter is all about, see: Why Twitter is Useful Twitter has many uses for both personal and business use. Its a great way to keep in touch with your friends and quickly broadcast information about where you are and what youre up to. For example, quotIm downtown and aching for some sushi. Anyone like to join mequot For business, Twitter can be used to broadcast your companys latest news and blog posts, interact with your customers, or to enable easy internal collaboration and group communication. To learn more about how you can make use of Twitter, see: How to Use Twitter Getting Started Visit the Twitter website and click quotJoin for freequot to create your account. Consider using your real name as your user name to help your friends find you more easily. Once your account is created, login and click quotSettings. quot From here, you can setup your account details, manage your password, register your mobile phone and IM account, configure how you receive Notices, upload your photo and customize your accounts design. Your Twitter page is located at twitteryour-username Sending Messages You can quottweetquot from your Twitter page, your mobile phone, IM account, or via a third-party Twitter client. From your Twitter page: S imply enter a message in the text field at the top of the page and click quotUpdate. quot From your mobile phone: Send an SMS message to 40404 . From your IM account: Send a message to either twittertwitter (JabberGTalk) or TwitterIM (AOL). Your tweet will be displayed to your followers, either on their Twitter page, mobile phone, or any other way they are setup to receive Twitter updates. Following Other Twitter Users Finding and adding friends to your quotTwitterversequot is easy. From the Twitter website: Login to your account, visit your friends Twitter pages and click quotFollowquot underneath their photo. If your friends account is public, you will immediately start seeing their tweets on your page, otherwise your friend will need to approve you before you can see their updates. From your mobile phone or IM account: Send the command follow username . Replies and Direct Messages When you send a message with username at the beginning, its understood that your message is intended for that specific user, but all your followers can still see the tweet. Note that for the intended recipient to see your message on their home page, they must be following you, otherwise they will only see your message on the Replies tab. To send a friend a private tweet, use the Direct command: d username message . Learn more about using Twitter: How to Network with Twitter The following blog posts are aimed at bloggers and other professionals who would like to use Twitter for business. Twitter In The News Twitter Tools To suggest a tool, app or resource just add me to your del. icio. us network and share the link More Places to Find Twitter Tools The easiest way to educate your site visitors and clients about Twitter Link to this page Tweet me with feedback and suggestions for improvement. I want tweeternet to be clear, concise, and accurate. Follow Sam Stevens The original creator of Tweeternet tweeternet is not affiliated with Twitter, LLC. Thanks to GetXperts for their excel experts . When learning about Twitter marketing and trying to figure out what to post to increase success, you end up focusing on your Twitter audience. The problem is that in many cases the audience you get is not actually the one you want to get. This happens because of not properly understanding many important facts about that audience. Believe it or not, it is really simple to misjudge your audience and end up with information that would not be useful in increasing the accounts popularity or engagement. Many mistakes can be made but here are some that are often seen, especially with inexperienced marketers. Always avoid these mistakes. Making Assumptions Based On Personal Beliefs You want to be sure your conclusion is correct. Unfortunately, many people think they know what someone thinks. Since nobody knows what you think right now except you, it is obvious that this is a really bad mistake. For instance, let us say that you want to sell porcelain dental veneers and you think that all women over 30 will want to get this procedure done when necessary because of the importance of appearance. That will be the truth for many of the women but not for all. By trying to acknowledge a part of your desired Twitter audience you can easily end up turning off another part. That is not your goal because you really want to engage your entire possible audience. Not Using Analytics Tools It is definitely interesting to notice how many Twitter marketers do not want to use some of the tools that are available for them right now and that would help work a lot easier. When you do not look at analytics data and you do not use as many tools as you can find, it is a certainty that problems are going to appear since you will surely miss out on a lot of data that would be really useful for you identifying your audiences needs. Lack Of Interaction You cannot build anything on Twitter if you just post and you use some hashtags. A big problem is the lack of interaction that is often seen with business accounts. Always look at the influencers that do interact and get into a conversation with them. Some of the best interactions on Twitter are based on conversations. You simply cannot be successful on Twitter without interacting with followers and with those that you want to have as your followers. Remember it is really important that you to know all you can about the Twitter audience that will help you to reach your current goals. However, this is not as simple as you may think. Since you are currently investing a lot of money in your business and you want to be sure that online marketing is done in a proper way. focus on all the data you can obtain, no matter how you get it. The power of Twitter for businesses has grown immensely over the past few years. Newsworthy content for businesses can no longer get significant coverage from issuing a press release to traditional media sources, alone. Sharing your press release on Twitter allows your message to reach a more targeted, relevant audience, for FREE. Sounds great, right Whats the catch Twitter has a rapid moving news feed, so tweets have a tendency to get buried if they dont stand out. Also, a single tweet is limited to 140 characters, so the likelihood of grabbing the attention of your readers is determined by how eye-catching your 140 characters, or essentially one line of copy, is to your prospective audience. How to make sure your press release gets noticed First, make sure your company has a solid presence on Twitter. Make sure you are satisfied with your network of followers and your brand is well established, meaning you are actively tweeting multiple times daily and interacting with your followers. If your brand isnt as established on Twitter as you would like, blogs such as Social Media Examiner . HubSpot . and Hootsuite . are some of the leading references for businesses looking to improve social media engagement and brand recognition. Secondly, its important that youre tracking the attention your press release gets. If you have a platform that is set up to track how many clicks from Twitter to your release youre getting, such as HubSpot, Hootsuite, Twitter Analytics, or Google Analytics, thats great. If you do not have a tracking tool, it doesnt mean you cant leverage your release the same way, you just wont receive exact data, click-rate, etc. The tweet itself Out of the average 400-500 words in a press release, the headline is absolutely the most important. Its suggested to keep your headline within 100 characters, so itll be the bulk of your tweet. The remainder of your tweet should include hashtags. Hashtags are the words or phrases that follow the sign in a tweet. Hashtags are designed to track trending topics and organize subject matter. For example, if you were to type in SuperBowl during the playoffs in Twitters search bar, everyone who tweeted using SuperBowl will appear on your news feed, regardless of if you follow them. The reason this feature is good for business is, a hashtag allows your tweet the potential to reach more than just your own followers, increasing its visibility. To make sure youre using hashtags properly, research what your partners and competitors are using on their accounts. What to do Use conversational language. Your followers want to know theres a real person behind your tweet and a good test is, if it doesnt intrigue you, its not going to intrigue them. Use hashtags, but do not, I repeat, do not overuse or misuse a hashtag. Doing so will make you look amateur and using too many hashtags can water down the importance of your message. Attaching an image to your tweet can be helpful in grabbing your audiences attention, however dont force it. If your logo or another applicable image does not apply, dont use it. What NOT to do You will more than likely be tempted to tweet your release multiple times because of how fast it disappears on your news feed. Reminding your audience about your release is okay, as long as you reword it and tweet it at a different time, preventing your followers from thinking it is spam. Dont write a misleading headline in an attempt to get more clicks from your followers. They will quickly realize and youll leave a bad taste in their mouths. Dont start your tweet with a Twitter handle (i. e. cvshealth launches new). Doing so will limit your potential reach. When it comes to any marketing or public relations messaging, a company has to choose what their business goals are, establish measurable objectives . declare who their target audience is, and choose the tactics the company plans to use in order to get their message across as efficiently and successfully as possible. If your company does not currently have a Twitter account, or the account has little to no followers at this time, some press release distribution services will tweet your release for you, using their own Twitter account. For example, prnewswire and PRunderground are two distributions that offer a social add-on option. Twitter CEO, Dick Costolo, wants to make twitter more seamless to switch between public and private messaging. Currently, the switch isn8217t easy. They are experimenting with ways to highlight tweets that are most relevant to you when you visit the service. There are three ways that could be done: completely automated algorithms human curation a combination of human curation and automated algorithms The first would be nirvana, but like some of google8217s search automation, or some of the terrible article spinners that lazy marketers use, 100 automation would probably be an awful result. The second would be great for employment, but too expensive and very bad for the company8217s bottom line. So a combination of automation and human editing or curation could do the trick. Facebook is already going down the combination path and it seems to be working. It will be very interesting to see if they can do it. Twitter is all about you. Whether you are a real person, a business or a brand, and earlier this month, you got a makeover. The first time you saw it, you might have thought there was something wrong with your browser. Something looked different, and you might have wondered if your computer had been hacked or maybe your browser was on the blink. There were three changes to tweets: Best Tweets . Tweets that receive more engagement appear slightly larger Pinned Tweet . You can pin a Tweet to the top of your page Filtered Tweets . You can choose which timeline to view when reviewing other profiles The pinned tweet is a nice idea, because it gives you a way to highlight a specific tweet, that isn8217t pushed down by your less important tweets. I8217ve always tried to handle this by choosing the order that I tweet at a particular time, but that only lasts as long as you can hold of saying something new. Filtered tweets are good too, because you can set whether you look at tweets, tweets with photos or videos or tweets and replies. I like this. Best tweets might have to grow on me over time. Increasing the size of the font for tweets with added engagement is a reasonable idea, but I8217m not sure I like it yet. And what happens to a tweet that goes viral and gets massive engagement Does it take over the whole screen The other things that changed are that the new web profile allows for a larger profile photo, and a customized header. Nice changes. What the Trend says it is 8220The front page of the real-time web.8221 If you want to discover the current trends on Twitter, and the reason they are trending, What the Trend tells you what and why. Two types of messages drive What The Trend 8211 short phrases and hashtags. The site gets its trending information using the twitter API, then What The Trend members pitch in, to say why they think the items are interesting, providing a short description of it. Then, What The Trend staff moderate the descriptions and send them back out in their own feed. That feed runs on many other sites, including Twitter. Tweeternet will keep an eye on it and it we think it is valuable, we may decide to run it at Tweeternet too. The current top 10 things trending, as I write this are: Currently Trending on Twitter, According To What The Trend Katie Couric sincewebeinghonest people are being honest. thingsthatpissmeoff people disrespecting my personal space. iLoveWhen Things, people or activities you love. NHS NHS patients able to get free treatment almost anywhere they want public or private under radical reforms unveiled. TAYLOR WON Taylor Swift wins ACMA Entertainer of the Year. Pet Shop Boys The Pet Shop Boys will support Take That on their upcoming Progress Live tour. Kate Bush Singer Kate Bush says she is 8216likely8217 to release new music this year. Alan Titchmarsh One Direction are going to be on the show 34pm tonight. Martin Luther King The third Monday in January is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the US, a national holiday remembering the famous Baptist preacher and civil rights pioneer.


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